STARNAV drives since 2007 scientific research projects.

They may target various objectives, but they all involve image processing technics.

The national Research Agency, the Government innovation fund, the General Armament Administration, the European Union and specifically the Region economical development European Fund, the Normandy helped us to realize reseach projects that created products or new developments.

RAPACE, VISTER, MAPS are products based on our own research projects.


We developped with the Caen Hospital and the INSERM U1075 COMETE team an acquisition and process software for the analysis of eyes of rats during a ZeroG flight. This system allows the research team to understand the brain behaviour during the transportation phasis.  We solved several technical difficulties (2 camera @ 200Hz – full frame  – aeronautic norms – automatic image processing). As a results, the medical team improved its knowledge of the vestibular system and is working on new moleculs to cure the seasickness.



STARNAV is the project leader of DOME6, a research project supported by the Normandy Council and by the FEDER. The team is composed of laboratories INSERM U1075 COMETE and EA 4260 CESAMS from l’Université de Caen.

Our objectives are :

  • Develop the medical research dedicaced to technical help for hadicaped persons,
  • Develop software modules in order to make possible the access to functions unavailable until now (automation, communication, phoning…),
  • Validate those developments through a clinical and ergonomical test plan. This plan involves a wide panel of partners, significant of the various profiles of users (types of handicap, hospital, home, elderly people…)

BALLOoN probe

As part of our daytime star detection studies, we performed ball-probe releases in order to be able to reach high altitudes. We were able to reach the height of 18km.


STARNAV has developed a complete bench for measuring the attenuation curve of an anti-parasitic light baffle. This bench realizes the measurement of the curve in a few minutes, and allowed to quickly develop the family of innovative baffles composing the VISTER product.