2021 06 17 STARNAV certified EN9100 and ISO9001
We are very proud to announce our ISO9001: 2015 and EN9100: 2016 certification!!! The efforts of the Company to improve and satisfy the customers finally succeeded!
We are very proud to announce our ISO9001: 2015 and EN9100: 2016 certification!!! The efforts of the Company to improve and satisfy the customers finally succeeded!
The experimentation of our MAGELLAN system continues with the reception of our Day / Night version. This device paves the way for a new, robust autonomous geo-positioning system against any …
STARNAV delivered the star tracker simulator PRISME to DGA-MI (Bruz) on January 14, 2021. This software, developed over 3 years, makes it possible to predict the accuracy of a star …
MAGELLAN was tested in operationnal environment for the first time in cooperation with NAVAL GROUP. During this session, data have been collected to optimize the STARNAV future algorithms.
STARNAV is pleased to welcome you in its new site. Our new address is 29 rue Jean Louis Cartigny, 14760 Breetteville su Odon.
It’s been hard to meet you during this year due to sanitary constraints. So we’re glad to announce our presence to EURONAVAL 2020 from 20th – 23rd october 2020 at …
This COBALT seminar (Cognitive Optimization by Assistive Learning Tools) was held in PLYMOUTH (Devon) from the 8th to the 11th of April 2019. It allowed major advances in the definition …
RAPACE Awarded STARNAV received the 2018 Chanson Award for its Innovative weapon setting system RAPACE. National Award from the prestigious Army Armament Association, the “Ingénieur Général Chanson Award” highlines each year the most …
The famous French Economical and technical newspaper “Les Echos” propose today an article presenting the RAPACE innovative digital weapon setting system and the “Chason” Award. https://www.lesechos.fr/pme-regions/actualite-pme/0301765920588-starnav-aide-les-militaires-a-mieux-viser-2181408.php